Juan Francisco Esteves Ramírez - Archaeogenomics for molecular identification of botanical and faunal remains from the Túcume archaeological complex

Archaeological ruins at Túcume.

Home institution and supervisor
César Arana, UNMSM. Peru.

Host institution and supervisors
Michael D. Martin & Jaime Morin. NTNU, Norway. 2022.

Project description
This project is based on an ongoing collaboration between the MHN-UNMSM museum, Túcume Site Museum (Bernarda Delgado and Alfredo Narvaez) and the Holomuseomics research group at NTNU. During the visit Juan Francisco will utilize NTNU's dedicated paleo-genomics lab facilities to perform DNA extraction, amplification of DNA barcodes and assembly of genome-skimming data, as well as NGS sequencing of samples excavated from the Túcume archaeological complex. This will be followed by phylogenetic analyses to identify the materials to species.

Li Wang

I’m a former journalist who transitioned into website design. I love playing with typography and colors. My hobbies include watches and weightlifting.


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