Juan Francisco Esteves Ramírez - Archaeogenomics for molecular identification of botanical and faunal remains from the Túcume archaeological complex
Home institution and supervisor
César Arana, UNMSM. Peru.
Host institution and supervisors
Michael D. Martin & Jaime Morin. NTNU, Norway. 2022.
Project description
This project is based on an ongoing collaboration between the MHN-UNMSM museum, Túcume Site Museum (Bernarda Delgado and Alfredo Narvaez) and the Holomuseomics research group at NTNU. During the visit Juan Francisco will utilize NTNU's dedicated paleo-genomics lab facilities to perform DNA extraction, amplification of DNA barcodes and assembly of genome-skimming data, as well as NGS sequencing of samples excavated from the Túcume archaeological complex. This will be followed by phylogenetic analyses to identify the materials to species.